world backup day 2013

World Backup Day, launched to create awareness of the role data plays in our daily lives, occurs on March 31st. The movement for World Backup Day was created by two Reddit users, who shared a concern for preserving and maintaining our digital heritage. You can read more here.

Let’s be honest, we should all be backing up our data, and you must agree, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. If you have a friend or family member who are backup deficient, do them a favor and help them out with preserving files important to them, whether they’re a Mac user or not.

I’ve experienced a loss of data due to not backing up, and have more than learned my lesson, which is one of the main reasons about creating this website. I want to do my best to help others backup the data that’s important to them, and to make sure that as few people as possible experience data loss.

Be safe. Backup. Please?